Geospatial Hungary - News in 2008

Goal is to provide more visibility on Hungarian developments, achievements, applications and services related to spatial data infrastructure with special emphasis on the European and Global context. HUNAGI's comprehensive News, Links and Visual Resources. Keywords: SDI, GI, GIS, Earth Observation, Satellite Navigation & Positioning, Remote Sensing, Knowledge Networking. News are shared with the Hungarian Coordination Office for UN Spatial Data Infrastructure

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

eSDI-Net Workshop Hungary scheduled for 29th August 2008

The Workshop is organised by HUNAGI for the participating local/thematic SDI service provider representatives, some invited INSPIRE governmental decision makers and responsible experts as well as representatives of the academia, private sector, NGOs and the WG818 (spatial data) of the Hungarian Board of Standards

Photosynth of Microsoft introduced by Prof. Franz Leberl in Székesfehérvár, Hungary